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1st Call for Abstracts of SEACOMP 2015

1st Call for Abstracts of SEACOMP 2015

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the 13th South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP 2015).


We are inviting scientists, researchers, clinicians, engineers, students, and others to participate in SEACOMP 2015 with the theme: “Improving the quality of human health through physics”.


The event will take place in the beautiful city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 10-12 December 2015.


We welcome the participant’s abstract of poster or presentation in the topic (but not limited to):

– Diagnostic
– Therapeutic
– Nuclear Medicine
– Biophysics
– Biomedical Engineering


Deadline for abstract submission will due to July, 31st 2015. Full paper is arranged to be published at IOP Conference Series or AIP Proceeding of Conference (indexed by SCOPUS).


For more detail information please visit the following web site: http://medphys.fi.itb.ac.id/seacomp2015/


Please forward this email to your colleagues and potential authors who might be interested in attending this symposium.