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2021 World Class Professor Program Offer

2021 World Class Professor Program Offer

In the context of accelerating the achievement of national development targets, the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture has started the World Class Professor (WCP) program, which is a program that invites world-class professors from various well-known universities. domestically/abroad as visiting professor to be placed in various universities in Indonesia for a maximum period of time until the end of November, and sending Indonesian researchers to the visiting professor‘s home institution.

This program is intended so that lecturers/researchers can interact with well-known and excellent professors so that they can improve academic life, competence, quality and contribution to the development of science and technology and strengthening the National Innovation system in an effort to optimally utilize the diversity and wealth of resources. nature of Indonesia for the greatest welfare of the Indonesian people as mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The 2021 World Class Professor Program Guide can be obtained through the LPPM website (www.lppm .itb.ac.id). Registration and submission of proposals are proposed online via http://kompetensi.sourcedaya.kemdikbud.go.id /v2 . The deadline for submitting proposals is June 30, 2021.

World Program Offer Letter Class Professor in 2021
Program Guide World Class Professor Year 2021