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Monthly Archives: May 2021

Application for The Asahi Glass Foundation 2020 Final Report

For information that based on the guidelines, the implementation of research activities funded through the 2020 The Asahi Glass Foundation Program ends in June 2021. In connection with the foregoing, we request your willingness to submit the Final Report on the Implementation of Activities in the form of hard copy (1 copy) to the LPPM ITB Office and soft copy […]

Call for Proposals for the Asi@Connect's sub-granted projects

Call for Proposals for the Asi@Connect's sub-granted projects

On behalf of the Asi@Connect project, TEIN*CC would like to release the 5th Call for Proposals(CFP) to interested individuals or organizations who are willing to collaborate over TEIN networks and its peering networks. In this 5th Call, Asi@Connect project takes two stages of approach to awarding proposals as below. A. Concept Note B. Full application […]

The 5th Call for Proposals for the Asi@Connect's sub-granted projects

The 5th Call for Proposals for the Asi@Connect's sub-granted projects

On behalf of the Asi@Connect project, TEIN*CC would like to release the 5th Call for Proposals(CFP) to interested individuals or organizations who are willing to collaborate over TEIN networks and its peering networks. In this 5th Call, Asi@Connect project takes two stages of approach to awarding proposals as below. A. Concept Note B. Full application […]

Permohonan Laporan Akhir Program The Asahi Glass Foundation 2020

Sebagai informasi bahwa berdasarkan panduan, pelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian yang didanai melalui Program The Asahi Glass Foundation 2020 berakhir pada bulan Juni 2021. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, kami mohon kesedian Bapak/Ibu untuk menyampaikan Laporan Akhir Pelaksanaan Kegiatan dalam bentuk  hard  copy  (1  eksemplar)  ke Kantor LPPM ITB dan  soft  copy (format Ms. Word) diunggah […]

Penetapan Penerima Dana Program Postdoctoral Fellowship ITB 2021

Menindaklanjuti surat Ketua LPPM nomor 1333/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2021 tanggal 26 April 2021 perihal Penerimaan Proposal Program Postdoctoral Fellowship ITB Tahun 2021, bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa LPPM ITB telah menerima 9 proposal yang diusulkan untuk didanai melalui program Postdoctoral Fellowship ITB Tahun 2021. Berdasarkan penilaian kelayakan usulan proposal serta proses seleksi, sebanyak 8 proposal disetujui untuk didanai. […]

Young People and Development Rapid Research Grants

Young People and Development Rapid Research Grants

The Australia-Indonesia Centre has established a grant scheme within the Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) program. The scheme will fund Young People and Development Rapid Research (YPD-RR) projects up to AUD 30,000 each. Total funding available is maximum AUD 300,000. YPD-RR projects will have a four-month duration. Application closing date and time: extended until Wednesday, […]

Young People and Development Rapid Research Grants

Young People and Development Rapid Research Grants

The Australia-Indonesia Centre has established a grant scheme within the Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) program. The scheme will fund Young People and Development Rapid Research (YPD-RR) projects up to AUD 30,000 each. Total funding available is maximum AUD 300,000. YPD-RR projects will have a four-month duration. Application closing date and time: extended until Wednesday, […]

Focus Group Discussion "Nickel Downstream Industries”

Focus Group Discussion LPPM ITB Vol 2 “Nickel Downstream Industries” Keynote Speakers: Dr. Zulfiadi Zulhan Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung Title: “Review of Laterite Nickel Ore Processing and Refining Technologies” Ir. Wilson Ginting, MM. General Manager Operation, PT IMIP Title: “Nickel downstream industries at IMIP Morowali as implementation of […]