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5th Engineering International Conference

5th Engineering International Conference

We are pleased to inform you that Engineering International Commite of Engineering Faculty UNNES conducts 5th Engineering International Conference. The participants of this conference will be from education institution, industry, governmental or non-governmental organizations and also capital providers. Belo is the detail of the conference :


Title : The 5th International Conference
Concept and Application of Green Technology 2016
Speakers : 1. Fernando lopez Cabalero, Ph.D. (Ecole centrale Paris)
2. Dr. Boon Cheung Chew (University Teknikal Malaysia Malaka)
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunjoto, Dip.HE, DEA. (Universitas Gajah Mada)
4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Haryadi, M.Sc.(Universitas Negeri Semarang)
Date : October 5th – 6th, 2016
Venue : Patra Jasa Convention Hotel, Jl. Sisingamangaraja Semarang, Central Java


Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit papers that over new research or theoritical contributions. Presentations should be in English and should address both theoritical issues and new reserach findings. Submitted conference papaers will be reviewed by technical commitees of the conference. All accepted and selected papaers will be published in online (Google Scholar and conference website) and AIP Journal indexed by Scopus.


It will be a great honor for us if you can participate in this event. the conference will give us some benefits indeed. Looking forward to your presence on the day of the conference.


Website : http://eic.ft.unnes.ac.id


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