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Janson Naiborhu

Janson Naiborhu


Energy Engineering and Power Technology • Electrical and Electronic Engineering • Multidisciplinary • Software • Applied Mathematics • Artificial Intelligence • Information Systems • Computer Science Applications • Control and Optimization • Control and Systems Engineering • Computer Science (miscellaneous) • Computational Mathematics • Modeling and Simulation • Mathematical Physics • Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality • Hardware and Architecture • Physics and Astronomy (all) • Mathematics (all)

Output Tracking of Some Classes of Non-minimum Phase Nonlinear Systems by Redefinition Output Approach
Janson Naiborhu,Edwin Setiawan,None Firman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1016, issue:012009, page:1-

Direct gradient descent control for global stabilization of general nonlinear control systems
Janson Naiborhu,Kiyotaka Shimizu
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences vol:E83-A, issue:, page:1-523

Iterative learning control based gradient descent control for output tracking of nonlinear non-minimum phase systems
Janson Naiborhu
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference vol:, issue:, page:1-1594

Particle swarm optimization in the exact linearization technic for output tracking of non-minimum phase nonlinear systems
Janson Naiborhu,None Firman,Khozin Mu’tamar
Applied Mathematical Sciences vol:7, issue:ams.2013.37425, page:1-5442

Output tracking of non-minimum phase nonlinear systems through exact linearization
Janson Naiborhu,F. Firman
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science vol:2, issue:, page:1-991

Iterative learning control based on modified steepest descent control for output tracking of nonlinear non-minimum phase systems
Janson Naiborhu,None Firman,Marsianna L. Sitanggang
Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA) vol:, issue:WCICA.2012.6358092, page:1-1366

Stabilization of nonlinear systems with nonstabilizable linearization by direct gradient descent control
Janson Naiborhu
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference vol:1, issue:, page:1-1125

Direct gradient descent control and sontag’s formula on asymptotic stability of general nonlinear control system
J. Naiborhu,S.M. Nababan,R. Saragih,I. Pranoto
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems vol:3, issue:, page:1-251

Output tracking of nonlinear non-minimum phase systems by gradient descent control
Janson Naiborhu
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Identification, Control, and Applications, ICA 2009 vol:, issue:, page:1-115

Preface: The 3rd Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CIAM 2015)
Janson Naiborhu,Adhe Kania
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1716, issue:1.4942983, page:1-

Modification of a steepest descent control for output tracking of some class non-minimum phase nonlinear systems
None Firman,Janson Naiborhu,Roberd Saragih
Applied Mathematics and Computation vol:269, issue:j.amc.2015.07.097, page:1-506

Mathematical modeling for control zika transmission
Edwin Setiawan Nugraha,Janson Naiborhu,Nuning Nuraini,None Ahmadin
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1905, issue:1.5012172, page:1-

Design of vaccination and fumigation on Host-Vector Model by input-output linearization method
Edwin Setiawan Nugraha,Janson Naiborhu,Nuning Nuraini
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1825, issue:1.4978984, page:1-

Output tracking of some class non-minimum phase nonlinear uncertain systems
None Firman,Janson Naiborhu,Roberd Saragih,Sapto Wahyu Indratno
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory vol:17, issue:, page:1-356

Output tracking of some class non-minimum phase nonlinear systems via output redefinition
None Firman,Janson Naiborhu
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1716, issue:1.4942986, page:1-

Some results on control design of non-minimum phase bilinear systems
None Ahmadin,Janson Naiborhu,Roberd Saragih
2019 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference, ANZCC 2019 vol:, issue:ANZCC47194.2019.8945802, page:1-35

Trajectory following method on output tracking of non-linear non-minimum phase systems
Karunia Putra Wijaya,Ikha Magdalena,Janson Naiborhu
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1450, issue:1.4724131, page:1-146

Backward bifurcation of an SIR-SI model with vaccination and treatment
Edwin Setiawan Nugraha,Nuning Nuraini,Janson Naiborhu
Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang) vol:29, issue:ascm2019.29.1.69, page:1-87

Convergence analysis of particle swarm optimization (PSO) method on the with-in host dengue infection treatment model
D. Handayani,N. Nuraini,R. Saragih,J. Naiborhu,O. Tse
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1723, issue:1.4945071, page:1-

Transient Stability Assessment in Power System using Critical Machine Identification
None Yurika,None Suwarno,Gibson H.M. Sianipar,Janson Naiborhu
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics vol:2019-July, issue:ICEEI47359.2019.8988906, page:1-589

Modelling of Synchronous Generator for Transient Stability in Power System
None Yurika,None Suwarno,Gibson H.M. Sianipar,Janson Naiborhu
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems: Towards Sustainable and Reliable Power Delivery, ICHVEPS 2019 vol:, issue:ICHVEPS47643.2019.9011059, page:1-

Optimal intravenous infusion to decrease the haematocrit level in patient of DHF infection
D. Handayani,N. Nuraini,R. Saragih,K.P. Wijaya,J. Naiborhu
AIP Conference Proceedings vol:1587, issue:1.4866529, page:1-42