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ITB Holds Virtual Research, Innovation, and Community Service Exhibition (PRIMA ITB 2020)

ITB Holds Virtual Research, Innovation, and Community Service Exhibition (PRIMA ITB 2020)

ITB Holds Virtual Research, Innovation, and Community Service Exhibition (PRIMA ITB 2020)

Different from previous years, the annual exhibition of research, innovation and community service at ITB this time was held virtually and was named PRIMA ITB 2020. Through this dissemination activity, it is hoped that the public will get information about the results of research activities, community service, and innovation. in ITB.

PRIMA ITB 2020 is attended by all Faculties/Schools, Centers, Research Centers, and Centers of Excellence for Science and Technology through various schemes, namely:

  1. Riset P3MI (F/S)
  2. Riset KK
  3. Riset Pusat Penelitian
  4. PM Bottom Up
  5. PM Top Down
  6. PM Covid-19

There are 690 works in the form of posters and 155 videos that can be watched through the website https://prima.itb.ac.id. PRIMA ITB 2020 visitors can listen to the works on the website and the interesting 3-dimensional gallery space.

In his speech, ITB Chancellor Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah stated that she could feel the strong scientific atmosphere of PRIMA ITB 2020 which was in line with one of ITB’s 2025 strategic plans, namely realizing a superior scientific culture. He added that ITB needed to keep research and community service works relevant to the problems faced by the Indonesian people, for example in terms of handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Regarding the handling of Covid-19, there are dozens of works from the ITB community from various aspects such as the design of affordable ventilators, PPE and PCR tests, virus decontamination devices, big data analytics to predict the spread of the outbreak, analysis of its impact on transportation, post-pandemic economic recovery strategies, and many more. many others.

PRIMA ITB can be watched at any time from December 21, 2020 until the implementation of PRIMA ITB next year.

Website PRIMA ITB 2020

Streaming Opening Ceremony PRIMA ITB 2020


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