Australia Update 2024 – Energy Transition: The Indonesian and Australian Perspective
Tema: Energy Transition: The Indonesian and Australian Perspective
📅 Tanggal: 17 Oktober 2024
🕣 Pukul: 08.30-16.30 WIB
📍 Tempat: Ruang Multipurpose Hall ITB, Gedung CRCS Lt. 3, Jl. Ganesa No. 10 Bandung
Australia Update 2024 menghadirkan diskusi mendalam mengenai transisi energi dengan perspektif dari Indonesia dan Australia. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti sesi menarik ini!
Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Australia, Duta Besar Australia untuk Indonesia, dan Rektor ITB
Keynote Speech: Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian (tbc)
Sesi I: Panel on EV and Battery
Moderator: Wibawa Hendra Saputera, Ph.D, ITB
1. Future and current development of EV market – Mr. Kaili Yan, VP & CFO PT SGMW Indonesia
2. Nickel, battery and high pressure acid leach technology – Mr. Hotden Manurung, Nickel Industries
3. Lithium and battery recycling technology – Prof. Akbar Rhamdhani, Swinburne University of Technology
4. Securing Energy Future: The Role of Australia and Indonesia in the Global Renewable Transition – Prof. Mohan Yellishetty, Monash University
Sesi II: Panel on Carbon Capture and Storage
Moderator: Mr. Donald Greenlees, Senior Advisor, Asialink
1. CCS as an industry – Mr. David Lim, CEO Carbon Aceh
2. Development of Center of Excellence for CCS technology – Dr. R. Mohammad Rachmat, ITB
3. CCS-The Australian Experience – Prof. John Kaldi, CO2CRC (via Zoom)
Sesi III: Panel on Carbon Trading
Moderator: Dr. Anindrya Nastiti, ITB
1. Carbon trading as an industry – Mr. Lufaldy Ernanda, OJK Indonesia
2. Ecosystem-based Carbon Markets – Mr. Brurce Mecca, Climateworks
3. Corporate Capital Structure and the Carbon Markets – Ms. Ratri Wakeling, Pollination
Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
Mr. Donald Greenlees, Senior Advisor, Asialink
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendalami transisi energi dan kesempatan kolaborasi antara Indonesia dan Australia!
Link Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 921 1772 9609
Passcode: 370891
Segera atur jadwalmu dan sampai jumpa di acara!