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Berita: Workshop Reference Management and Plagiarism Checking for Journal Writing

Berita: Workshop Reference Management and Plagiarism Checking for Journal Writing

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas  publikasi karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan oleh para peneliti baik mahasiswa/dosen, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ITB bekerja sama dengan I-Group Ltd telah menyelenggarakan Workshop dengan tema ” Reference Management and Plagiarism Checking for Journal Writing” pada hari Rabu, 13 April 2016, pk. 09.00 – 11.30 WIB bertempat di Ruang Auditorium Campus Center Timur, Kampus ITB, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung.


Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan tools yang dapat digunakan bagi para peneliti yang akan memulai menuliskan hasil penelitiannya menjadi sebuah artikel ilmiah.


Pemateri pada kegiatan ini adalah Jennifer Yong, Consultant, iGroup / Innovative Education Services. Materi yang disampaikan mencakup :


Part 1 : Research Best Practices: To author, to get published and to get cited

A lot of universities are trying to improve their university ranking. As the research is one of the criteria, University’s Centre of Excellence had been tasked with important role, to improve the research including research publication. In order to achieve these, a lot of researchers are unsure about the plagiarism such as publishing criteria, and most importantly the intentional and unintentional plagiarism that may affect the brand name of the university. Research being done aside, the development of the researchers are important as well for the publicity and marketing of the research being done by researchers, as it may help the university for corporate and government funding.


Part 2 : EEWOWW

An online authoring platform for professional writing- EEWOWW designed to streamline the professional writing process by integrating major aspects of authoring workflow, it helps authors to collect data, manage references, format manuscript, explore similar ideas, and collaborate with others. All done in one place, anywhere, anytime, on any devices.


Part 3: Emerging Technologies: Helping to increase competency skills through blended learning

Acara dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 120 orang mahasiswa dan dosen yang berasal dari ITB, perguruan tinggi lain, dan lembaga pemerintah.


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