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Call for Abstracts : The 2nd International Workshop of Geo-EM & AG 2019

Call for Abstracts : The 2nd International Workshop of Geo-EM & AG 2019

Dear Collogues,


We’re honored to invite you to the 2nd International Workshop on Geophysical Electromagnetics and Applied Geophysics (Geo-EM & AG) 2019 organized by Applied Geophysics Research Group, Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum, Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB), West Java, Indonesia.


The event will be held on August 26th ­-28th, 2019 at Bandung Institute of Technology. The 2nd International Workshop of Geo-EM & AG 2019 with theme “The Development and Application of Geophysical Methods for Hazard Mitigation and Earth Resources Exploration.”


We are adding student paper competition to the event. We believe your “voice” will be beneficial to everyone in our community.


Keynote Speakers :

  1. Prof. Dr. Bülent Tezkan ( Universität zu Köln, Germany),
    Session 1: Controlled Source Radiomagnetotelluric Using Grounded Dipole Sources.
  2. Dr. Kurt M Strack (President KMS, Houston, Texas)
    Session 2: Electromagnetic Applications for Hazard Prediction and Monitoring.

Invited Speaker :

  1. Prof. Dr. Nanang Puspito (Global Geophysics Research Group, ITB)
    – Seismological Studies on the Hazard Mitigation in Indonesia.
  2. Prof. Dr. Sigit Sukmono (Seismology Exploration and Engineering Research Group, ITB)
    – Seismic Methods for Effective and Efficient Exploration in Deep Water.
  3. Prof. Dr. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir (Applied Geophysics and Exploration Research Group, ITB)
    – Development of Time Lapse Gravity Method for Monitoring
  4. Dr.rer.nat. Pritam Yogeshwar (Universität zu Köln, Germany)
    – Development and applications of Transient Electromagnetic Surveying Techniques.

The abstract deadline is May 19, and Full scientific program could be found here https://geoem.fttm.itb.ac.id.


Selected paper will be published in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-0-7354-1535-X)- [Scopus Index]


Feel free to distribute it to other colleagues that you think may be interested.


Best Regards,

Geo-EM & AG 2019 Committee



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