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CALL FOR PAPER "The 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2017 (ICA 2017)"

CALL FOR PAPER "The 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2017 (ICA 2017)"


The 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2017 (ICA 2017) will be held on August 9-11th, 2017 at Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The conference is organized by the Instrumentation and Control Research Group of ITB and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Indonesia. The conference is aimed at enhancing a strong networking and creating an international platform to ease knowledge transfer among engineers, researchers and scientists within relevant areas of instrumentation, control, and automation systems. We therefore invite affiliated scholars, practicing professionals, researchers,and students to participate in the ICA 2017 conference. All papers accepted and presented in the conference will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore.

Topics of interest for the submission include, but not limited to:


Metrology, Optical Instrumentation, Ultrasonic Instrumentation, Bioengineering & Systems Biology, Medical Instrumentation, Non-invasive Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques,Tomography & Imaging Instrumentation, Industrial Process Instrumentation, Energy & Power Systems Instrumentation, Software Development for Measurement & Instrumentation Supports, Education.


PID Control, Linear/Nonlinear Analysis & Control, Multivariable Control, Model Predictive Control,Robust Control, Distributed Control, Geometric Control, Networked Control Systems, Intelligent &Learning-based Control, Optimal Control, Stochastic Control, Neural Networks, Process Control,Control, System Theory, Hybrid Dynamical Systems & Discrete Event Systems, Simulation Method,System Identification & Filtering, Parameter & State Estimation, Robotics & Motions, Space Vehicles & Aircraft Systems, Design & Control of Unmanned Systems, Signal Processing, Game Theory, Adaptive Control, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy & Expert Systems, Fault Detection &Isolation System, Analysis & Control of Biological Systems, Education.


Human Machine Interaction, Safety Instrumented Systems, Process Automation, Asset & Data Management Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Supply Chain Network, Precision Motion, CAD-based Simulations & Control, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Networking Systems, Automation in Biotechnology& Health Systems, DNA Chip Fabrication & Screening, Simulator System, Operation Research, Optimization, Mechatronics and Robotics, Education.

For detailed information please visit our web http://ica-itb.com

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