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Call for Papers : Innoscape 2018 "Conferences and Exhibition on Business, Applied Science and Technology"

Call for Papers : Innoscape 2018 "Conferences and Exhibition on Business, Applied Science and Technology"

Universitas Prasetia Mulya akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan INNOSCAPE 2018  : Conferences and Exhibition on Business, Applied Science and Technology pada :

Tanggal:25 - 26 Oktober 2018
Tempat :JS Luwansa Hotel and Convention, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kv. C-22, Jakarta Selatan
Tema:Innovation and its Technological, Business, or Societal Perspective

INNOSCAPE 2018 merupakan acara konferensi dan eksibisi berskala regional (Asia Pasific) dengan tema “Innovation and its Technological, Business, or Societal Perspective“. Tema ini akan dibahas melalui invited talks dengan konsep Talkshow dan presentasi paper akademik yang terbagi dalam 6 tracks, yaitu :

  1. Digital Innovation
  2. Food and HEalth
  3. Innovation in Finance
  4. Innovative Leisure
  5. Social Innovation
  6. Sustainability and Resources

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat mengakses website : http://innoscape.prasetiyamulya.ac.id/

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