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Call for Proposals : The Toyota Foundation 2017 International Grant Program

Call for Proposals : The Toyota Foundation 2017 International Grant Program

Cultivating Empathy Through Learning from Our Neighbors: Practitioners’ Exchange on Common Issues in Asia


The grant program focuses on deepening mutual understanding and knowledge-sharing among people on the ground in East and Southeast Asia who are finding solutions to shared issues. Through promoting direct interaction among key players, the grant program aims to survey and analyze situations in target countries, obtain new perspectives, and expand the potential of future generations.


Thematic Areas :
A. Multi generational and Multicultural Inclusion in Communities
B. Creating New Culture: Toward a Common Platform for Asia
C. Open Field

Grant Amount (maximum per project)
a) One-year project: JPY 5,000,000 (approx. USD 44,500);
b) Two-year project: JPY 10,000,000 (approx. USD 89,000)

Submission period : From April 4th to June 20th, 2017, 23:59 Japan Standard Time
Program Guidelines and sample of application form can be downloaded here :-
1. 2017 Program Guidelines (1099KB)
2. 2017 Application Form (Sample) (222KB)


For more information and FAQs please visit the Toyota foundation website :

Thank you.