Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Bottom-Up Community Service Program in 2021
Following up on the letter from the Chairperson of LPPM number 7857/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2020 dated December 21, 2020 regarding the Proposal for the ITB Community Service Program (PM) 2021 Bottom-Up scheme, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 191 proposals submitted proposed to be funded through the 2021 ITB Community Service Program. Based on the results of a review by the ITB Board of Reviewers, as many as 144 proposals were approved for funding.
Together with this letter, we attach the titles of the proposals approved for the 2021 ITB Community Service Program Bottom-Up scheme with details of the selection results for the 2021 ITB Community Service Program Proposals as follows:
No |
Circle / Zone |
Number of Proposed Proposals |
Number of Funded Proposals |
1 | PM Bottom-Up Circle 1 |
68 |
45 |
2 |
PM Bottom-Up Circle 2 |
59 |
44 |
3 | PM Bottom-Up Circle 3 |
21 |
15 |
4 | PM Bottom-Up Circle 4 |
32 |
29 |
5 | PM Bottom-Up Circle 5 |
11 |
11 |
Amount |
191 |
144 |
The budget reallocation process from LPPM RKA to Fakulas/School RKA will be carried out in February 2021. Furthermore, each proposer needs to direct students involved in PM to be registered with MBKM/KKN MKU at the time of Study Plan Replacement (PRS) which is 8-11 February 2021 (the MKU MBKM selection guide is attached to the lppm website).
In an effort to encourage the achievement of indicators of active involvement of undergraduate students in the community that has been stipulated in the ITB Strategic Plan 2021-2025, Kepmendikbud No. 754/P/2020 concerning PTN IKU, as well as the synergy of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) Program. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) together with DITMAWA ITB encourage every ITB Community Service activity to be mandatory to involve at least one student who is enrolled in the Public Course (MKU) Free Learning & Campus (MBKM) includes Real Work Courses (MK KKN).
Regarding information about the program, you can download the material below.
Recipients of Community Service Program Society 2021 (Revised)
Socialisasi PM Integrated KKN (Revised February 13, 2021)
Presentation Dirmawa MKU MBKM 2021 (Revised January 28, 2021)
Sylabus MBKM New MKU
LPPM ITB Logo, ITB Assisted Village, 100 Years of ITB (PNG)
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