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Determination of Recipients of the National Research Priority Research Fund (PRN) for Fiscal Year 2021

Determination of Recipients of the National Research Priority Research Fund (PRN) for Fiscal Year 2021

Referring to the Contract for the Implementation of the National Research Priority Flagship Program for Universities for the 2021 Fiscal Year between the Directorate of Resources, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology and the Bandung Institute of Technology number 002/E4.1/AK.04.PRN/2021 dated September 14, 2021, We hereby submit the List of Recipients of the National Research Priority Research Fund for the 2021 Fiscal Year (attached).

In this regard, we request the researchers to prepare a Budget and Cost Plan (RAB).

In relation to the PRN Research, we would like to inform you of the following provisions:

  1. The attached PRN program is managed by each faculty/school.
  2. RAB uploaded to SIPPM. Technically, uploading RAB to SIPPM can be coordinated by researchers through the admin of each faculty/school.
  3. The deadline for RAB uploads is 29 September 2021.
  4. LPPM ITB has compiled RAB Guidelines and SIPPM Data Entry Guidelines as a reference for Faculties/Schools. The RAB format, RAB Guide and SIPPM Entry Guide can be downloaded from the LPPM website.
  5. Research activities will be managed through SISPRAN 2.


List of Recipients of the National Research Priority Research Fund for Fiscal Year 2021
Guidelines for SIPPM PRN 2021