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Determination of The Asahi Glass Foundation Overseas Research Grant 2021

Determination of The Asahi Glass Foundation Overseas Research Grant 2021

Following up on the letter from the Senior Executive of The Asahi Glass Foundation dated April 19, 2021, we hereby respectfully inform you that based on the results of the decision of the Board of Directors of The Asahi Glass Foundation, the proposal submitted by the attached researchers has been declared approved for funding through the Overseas Research Grant Program, The Asahi Glass Foundation 2021.

In relation to The Asahi Glass Foundation 2021 Program, we convey the following:
1. The program will be managed by each Faculty/School;
2. Program implementation time is from 1 July 2021 untill. 30 June 2022;
3. Information regarding the request for the Budget and Cost Plan (RAB) will be submitted later.

Asahi Glass Foundation Overseas Research Grant 2021 Award Recipients