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GEO-EM & AG: Call for Abstract Geo-Electromagnetic & Applied Geophysics Workshop 2019

GEO-EM & AG: Call for Abstract Geo-Electromagnetic & Applied Geophysics Workshop 2019

Dear Colleagues,


The deadline for abstracts submission of the papers to be presented at the Geo-EM & AG 2019 in ITB, Bandung, Indonesia 26-28 August 2019 has been extended to Monday, 27 May 2019.


Important dates:

Monday, 27 May 2019, due date for abstracts submission

Tuesday, 28 May 2019, due date for the notification of paper acceptance.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019, due date for Early bird payment deadline.


The abstract submission to: geoemag@fttm.itb.ac.id.


For registration and the full scientific program outline could be found here https://geoem.fttm.itb.ac.id


Please see attachment :

We have obtained a contract with the American Institute of Physics (AIP) where the accepted papers will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings: (ISSN:978-0-7354-1535-X) [Scopus Indexed].


We look forward to receiving your abstracts.


With best regards,

Geo-EM & AG 2019 Committees