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Phoenix Leader Education Program for Renaissance from Radiation Disaster (Hiroshima University)

Phoenix Leader Education Program for Renaissance from Radiation Disaster (Hiroshima University)

The Phoenix Leader Education Program (Hiroshima Initiative) for Renaissance from Radiation Disaster (2011FY accepted MEXT “PhD Leading Programs”) at the Organization of the Leading Graduate Education Program, Hiroshima University, is accepting bright students from around the world who will become future Phoenix Leaders.


We will conduct admission for October 2018 enrollment.


This program establishes “Radiation Disaster Recovery Studies” as an interdisciplinary and practical academic field, on the basis of our experiences and achievements at Hiroshima University in supporting recovery from the atomic bomb. The program aims to develop personnel with the skills to “protect human lives radiation hazards”,”protect the environment from radioactivity”, and “protect children and society from radioactivity”. Graduates from the program are expected to be core leaders in situations requiring recovery from radiation hazards. The 4-5 year integrated curriculum is designed to develop interdisciplinary and comprehensive global leadres (Phoenix Leaders) who are able to act appropriately in circumstances of radiation hazard, and contribute to recovery with their leadership based on a clear philosophy.


Contact :

Hiroshima University

Phoenix Leaders Education Program Office


email : poenix-program@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp

Telp : +81- (0)82-424-4689

Fax : +81- (0)82-424-6821

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