Recommendation for Recipients of the 2009 Higher Education Grant Program
Following up the letter of WRRIM/Chairman of LPPM to the Director of Research and Community Service of DIKTI number 0080/K01.20/PL/2009 dated January 7, 2009 regarding Recipients of the Higher Education Grant Program Fund for Fiscal Year 2009 , it is hereby notified to the proposer that 54 titles of the proposed Higher Education Grant Program Research for Year I and Year II have been recommended to be financed from the Research Fund for the Higher Education Grant Program Research Fund for Fiscal Year 2009.
The final decision for the 2009 Higher Education Grants will be made by Dikti. To expedite the process of procurement of goods, the administrative process will be carried out earlier so that when the winner is determined by Dikti, the realization of the procurement of goods can be immediately carried out by UPT Logistik.
In connection with the above, we request that the proposed Budget and Cost Plan be submitted to LPPM-ITB no later than 29 January 2009 for 2 (two) duplicate.
List of Recommendations for Recipients of the 2009 Higher Education Grant Program: grant-recipient-dikti-2009-itb2
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