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USAID RTAC Research Network

USAID RTAC Research Network

Dear colleagues,


I am writing to share an exciting opportunity with you. As you may be aware, USAID recently released the solicitation for the Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC), a mechanism through which they will procure the services of consultants associated with academic institutions in the U.S. and around the world to conduct short-term research activities related to development challenges. Consultants may include faculty, graduate students, post-docs, and other researchers affiliated with academic institutions. Opportunities will depend on demand from USAID Bureaus and Missions, but are expected to span all USAID regions and technical areas, including :


  • Agriculture and food security
  • Democracy, human rights, and governance
  • Economic growth and trade
  • Education
  • Environment and climate change
  • Gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • Global health
  • Water and sanitation
  • Working in crisis and conflict

IIE is bidding on RTAC as part of a consortium led by NORC at the University of Chicago. We are looking to identify individuals to include in the pool of researchers that will be named in the proposal. Over the life of the program, USAID Bureaus and Missions will develop requests for proposals to conduct research consultancies. RTAC pool members will receive notification of these opportunities and will be able to submit proposals to conduct these research consultancies.


I am writing to see if you would like to be named as part of the RTAC research pool. Please note that there is no obligation associated with being named in the research pool. You will not be required to bid on any RFPs for research consultancies but would have the option to do so if interested. If you would like to be included in the researcher pool, please complete the attached form and return to me at your earliest convenience, but no later than February 25, 2018, copying Taylor Yost (tyost@iie.org). Please also share this message with any colleagues who are affiliated with academic institutions and might also be interested in being included in the RTAC researcher pool.


Thank you,


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