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Workshop Series LPPM – Talkshow: "How to Create a Global Sustainable Aquaculture Industry"

Workshop Series LPPM – Talkshow: "How to Create a Global Sustainable Aquaculture Industry"

Dalam menyongsong Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional dan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, LPPM ITB mengadakan Workshop Series Talkshow dengan menghadirkan:

Narasumber: Prof. Dr. Gede Suantika, S.Si., M.Si. (SITH ITB)
Tema: How to Create a Global Sustainable Aquacululture Industry

Hari: Jum’at, 13 Agustus 2021
Waktu: 14:00 – 15:00 WIB

Pendaftaran: bit.ly/WSLTalkshow2
Zoom: https://bit.ly/ZoomWSLTalkshow2
Meeting ID: 893 6975 4780
Passcode: 283972

Virtual Background