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Research Grant from USAID

Research Grant from USAID

The U.S Agency for International Development will offer funding through its Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program for Indonesian scientists to conduct research on climate change, education and wildlife trafficking.  Applications are now open, and proposals are due January 15, 2016.


PEER is a competitive awards program that invites scientists in developing countries to apply for funds to support research on key development issues of importance to USAID. PEER is conducted in partnership with U.S. Government-funded and selected private partners.


USAID’s PEER program has already awarded US $1.6 million in research funding to 37 Indonesian researchers.  In 2015, awards were given to seven Indonesian research projects that will help sustain marine biodiversity, protect the environment, and promote education.


“The United States is pleased to expand the network of researchers in Indonesia,” said Deputy Chief of Mission Brian McFeeters. “The value of PEER lies not only in the discovery of new data and knowledge that is valuable for Indonesia and beyond, but also in strengthening Indonesia’s research and development capacity which promotes prosperity.”


To apply for the next round of awards, a two-page pre-proposal in English is required by January 15, 2016.  At the end of February, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal, due on April, 2016.  For further information or to apply, please visit the National Academies of Science website.


For more information, visit www.usaid.gov/indonesia or contact USAID Communications Officer Janice Laurente at +62 (21) 3435-900